

For inquiries and questions:



Please allow up to 3-5 business days for fulfillment of parcels. Once fulfilled, a tracking number will be issued to the email address used for shipping.


Exchanges will only be available within 1-2 business days after the item is received. Items must be unworn, unwashed and undamaged. The Item can only be exchanged once and may only be exchanged with a product from the DeucesDominos website that holds the same price of the product being returned for the exchange. Please contact info@deucesdominos.com for accommodations of an exchange.


What information do we need and how do we use it?

When you have placed an order through our website, we need to know your email address, name, home address, and payment details. This will ensure your order will be successful.

How does DeucesDominos protect customer information?

When an order has been placed, the order will go through a secure server software (SSL) that will secure all your information input before it is sent to us. All sensitive customer data we collect is protected by several layers of secure encryption to prevent unauthorized access.

Credit/Debit Card Details

All credit/debit card payments that are processed through DeucesDominos will only be used to process orders for our products. DeucesDominos does not save any credit/debit card information within our servers.